Hi, I’m Maloy! 😊
I’m a data hacker, and also a project manager! I work at the confluence of data, analytics, IT engineering, cloud security and agile project management.
Over the years, I’ve worked on application development, data warehousing, BI / analytics, big data as well as project management and line management. I’ve traveled and worked across the UK, US, India and Europe, and picked up languages, not only programming! 😅
Nowadays I work as an agile PM on cloud security for data, analytics and AI products built on Azure and Office 365 clouds.
I love technology and data, as well as agile and lean. Big data and AI, which respects privacy and ethics, and is designed ground-up with security, have tremendous potential to create a better, beautiful world. Agile project management and lean principles of flow applied to modern IT engineering with DevOps
, (and Security too with DevSecOps
!) can help us achieve these enormous opportunities.
I’m excited to learn and work in this era of - from big data and digital to the AI transformation, all of which is not only revolutionizing the way we work, but also the very definition of work, the way we think, and our world!
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are Maloy’s personal opinion and in no way reflects that of his employer. Any code provided on this blog is for illustrative purposes only and you agree to use it at your own risk.